ALERT- Fraudulent Fundraising Campaign

Please be advised there are reports of fraudulent door-to-door “fundraisers” who are falsely representing themselves as The Canadian Centre To End Human Trafficking fundraisers/canvassers. Please note that The Centre NEVER canvasses door-to-door for donations or signatures. The Centre will also never contact community members by phone or email and ask for personal information such as their Date of Birth, Social Insurance Number or Credit Card information. 

If you have been approached by this type of scam using The Centre’s logo, likeness or name, we invite you to report it via The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre platform. You are also welcome to notify The Centre by emailing us at

If you wish to donate securely and with confidence to the Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, please find the details on our website. You can make a donation on our website or by sending a cheque to The Centre. Your donation will make a difference.