The best way to be vigilant and protect your family and friends is by learning the signs and indicators of trafficking and by candidly talking about the possible risks with your kids. Having open, honest discussions about this will go a long way. If your kids encounter an uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situation/person, ensure they have access to a safe adult to report it to.

Increasingly, traffickers are turning to online message boards, social media websites,  private messaging chat apps, shopping centers, and other public places to recruit victims. Traffickers often connect with children online and begin the process of grooming and luring. They look for vulnerabilities or holes in a young persons life and try to fill them.

  • Do they have low self esteem? Traffickers will compliment them and tell them they are good-looking. Do they feel unloved and alone? Traffickers will pose as doting boyfriends and make false promises.
  • Traffickers and other predators are using Facebook, Twitter,, Whisper, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok to have direct access to kids.
  • Parents should insist on knowing the passwords to all electronic devices their kids use.

There are instances of peer to peer recruitment happening in high schools. Frank discussions around this issue for both male and female children is important. Traffickers will sometimes use older girls to recruit other females by befriending them, and then turning them over to a pimp.

It’s important for parents to be able to recognize the warning signs and talk about the luring tactics that these criminals use with their children.

Signs that your child could be trafficked include:

  • Older boyfriend in their lives who are controlling;
  • Frequently visiting places that are unusual for their age group to attend, such as hotels or motels, clubs etc.
  • Dressing more provocatively; Staying out late or all night;
  • Hanging out with new friends who are older than them;
  • Ignoring childhood friends and family members;
  • Drinking or using drugs;
  • Skipping school, skipping meals, not showering or stop changing clothes;
  • Exhibiting anxious behaviour, lack of sleep, depression;
  • Ignoring rules and instructions at school or at home,
  • Lying or unable to recall events in their lives;
  • Carrying false ID, one or more cell phone(s);
  • Has expensive or new clothes, shoes or jewellery of unknown origin;
  • Spending more money and possessing expensive gifts from a new friend or boyfriend;
  • Talking about a modeling or other job contracts waiting in another town or city;
  • Becoming more secretive about spending time online or on their cell phone; and
  • Becoming frightened of being online or on cellphone/telephone.